remotior_sensus.core.session module

Session manager.

Core class that manages the Remotior Sensus’ session. It defines fundamental parameters such as available RAM and number of parallel processes. Creates a temporary directory to store temporary files. Exposes core functions and tools. It includes a method to close the session removing temporary files and stopping parallel processes.

Typical usage example:

>>> # start the session
>>> rs = Session()
>>> # optionally set session parameters
>>> rs.set(n_processes=2)
>>> # close the session when processing is done
>>> rs.close()
class remotior_sensus.core.session.Session(n_processes: int | None = 2, available_ram: int = 2048, temporary_directory: str | None = None, directory_prefix: str | None = None, log_level: int = 20, log_time: bool = True, progress_callback=None, multiprocess_module=None, messages_callback=None, smtp_server=None, smtp_user=None, smtp_password=None, smtp_recipients=None, smtp_notification=None, sound_notification=None)

Bases: object

Manages system parameters.

This module allows for managing Remotior Sensus’ session, setting fundamental processing parameters and exposing core functions and tools.


module containing shared variables and functions


access BandSet() class


access BandSetCatalog() class


access SpectralSignaturesCatalog() class


access SpectralSignaturePlotCatalog() class


access SpectralSignaturePlot() class


access OutputManager() class


access functions of table_manager() module


access dates and times utilities


access download utilities


access shared tools


access files directories utilities


tool band_calc()


tool band_classification()


tool Classifier()


tool band_combination()


tool band_dilation()


tool band_erosion()


tool band_mask()


tool band_neighbor_pixels()


tool band_pca()


tool band_resample()


tool band_sieve()


tool band_stack()


tool cross_classification()


tool download_products()


tool mosaic()


tool preprocess_products()


tool preprocess_products()


tool raster_report()


tool raster_split()


tool raster_to_vector()


tool vector_to_raster()


starts a Jupyter interface


Start a session
>>> import remotior_sensus
>>> rs = remotior_sensus.Session()
Start a session defining number of parallel processes. and available RAM
>>> import remotior_sensus
>>> rs = remotior_sensus.Session(n_processes=4,available_ram=4096)
Create a BandSetCatalog()
>>> catalog = rs.bandset_catalog()
Run the tool for raster report
>>> output = rs.raster_report(raster_path='file.tif', output_path='output.txt')
Start an interactive Jupyter interface
>>> rs.jupyter().download_interface()
Stop a session at the end to clear temporary directory
>>> rs.close()
__init__(n_processes: int | None = 2, available_ram: int = 2048, temporary_directory: str | None = None, directory_prefix: str | None = None, log_level: int = 20, log_time: bool = True, progress_callback=None, multiprocess_module=None, messages_callback=None, smtp_server=None, smtp_user=None, smtp_password=None, smtp_recipients=None, smtp_notification=None, sound_notification=None)

Starts a session.

Starts a new session setting fundamental parameters for processing. It sets the number of parallel processes (default 2) and available RAM (default 2048MB) to be used in calculations. It starts the class Temporary to manage temporary files by creating a temporary directory with an optional name prefix. It starts the class Log for logging (with a default level INFO) and creates a logging formatter with the option to hide time. It starts the class Progress for displaying progress with a default callback function. A custom progress callback function can be passed optionally.

The sessions also allows for accessing to the core functions and tools.

In the end, the close() function should be called to clear the temporary directory and stop the parallel processes.

  • n_processes – number of parallel processes.

  • available_ram – number of megabytes of RAM available to processes.

  • temporary_directory – path to a temporary directory.

  • directory_prefix – prefix of the name of the temporary directory.

  • log_level – level of logging (10 for DEBUG, 20 for INFO).

  • log_time – if True, logging includes the time.

  • progress_callback – function for progress callback.

  • multiprocess_module – multiprocess module, useful if Remotior Sensus’ session is started from another Python module.

  • messages_callback – message module, useful if Remotior Sensus’ session is started from another Python module.

  • smtp_server – optional server for SMTP notification.

  • smtp_user – user for SMTP authentication.

  • smtp_password – password for SMTP authentication.

  • smtp_recipients – string of one or more email addresses separated by comma for SMTP notification.

  • smtp_notification – optional, if True send SMTP notification.

  • sound_notification – optional, if True play sound notification.


Start a session
>>> import remotior_sensus
>>> rs = remotior_sensus.Session()
close(log_path: str | None = None)

Closes a Session.

This function closes current session by deleting the temporary files and stopping parallel processes.


log_path – path where the log file is saved


Given that a session was previously started
>>> import remotior_sensus
>>> rs = remotior_sensus.Session()
Set the number of parallel processes and available RAM
>>> rs.set(n_processes=8, available_ram=20480)
Set the logging level to DEBUG
>>> rs.set(log_level=10)
set(n_processes: int | None = None, available_ram: int | None = None, temporary_directory: str | None = None, directory_prefix: str | None = None, log_level: int | None = None, log_time: bool | None = None, progress_callback: function | None = None, smtp_server=None, smtp_user=None, smtp_password=None, smtp_recipients=None, sound_notification=None, smtp_notification=None)

Sets or changes the parameters of an existing Session.

Sets the parameters of an existing Session such as number of processes or temporary directory.

  • n_processes – number of parallel processes.

  • available_ram – number of megabytes of RAM available to processes.

  • temporary_directory – path to a temporary directory.

  • directory_prefix – prefix of the name of the temporary directory.

  • log_level – level of logging (10 for DEBUG, 20 for INFO).

  • log_time – if True, logging includes the time.

  • progress_callback – function for progress callback.

  • smtp_server – optional server for SMTP notification.

  • smtp_user – user for SMTP authentication.

  • smtp_password – password for SMTP authentication.

  • smtp_recipients – string of one or more email addresses separated by comma for SMTP notification.

  • smtp_notification – optional, if True send SMTP notification.

  • sound_notification – optional, if True play sound notification.


Given that a session was previously started
>>> import remotior_sensus
>>> rs = remotior_sensus.Session()
Stop a session
>>> rs.close()
Stop a session saving also the log to a file
>>> rs.close(log_path='file.txt')