
Band mosaic.

This tool performs the mosaic of single bands, or multiple BandSets. Corresponding bands in two or more BandSet are merged into a single raster for each band, covering the extent of input bands. For instance, this is useful to mosaic several multiband images togheter, obtaining a multispectral mosaic of bands (e.g., the first band of the mosaic corresponds to all the first bands of input images).

Typical usage example:

>>> # import Remotior Sensus and start the session
>>> import remotior_sensus
>>> rs = remotior_sensus.Session()
>>> # start the process
>>> file_list = ['file1_b1.tif', 'file2_b1.tif']
>>> mosaic_bands = rs.mosaic(input_bands=file_list,output_path='output_directory') list | int | BandSet, output_path: None | str = None, overwrite: bool | None = False, prefix: str | None = '', nodata_value: None | int = None, n_processes: None | int = None, available_ram: None | int = None, virtual_output: bool | None = False, output_name: None | str = None, reference_raster_crs: None | str = None, bandset_catalog: BandSetCatalog | None = None) OutputManager

Mosaic bands.

This tool performs the mosaic of corresponding bands from multiple BandSets. A new raster is created for each band, named as output_name or first band name, and followed by band number.

  • input_bands – list of paths of input rasters, or number of BandSet, or BandSet object.

  • output_path – string of output path directory.

  • overwrite – if True, output overwrites existing files.

  • prefix – optional string for output name prefix.

  • nodata_value – value to be considered as nodata.

  • n_processes – number of parallel processes.

  • available_ram – number of megabytes of RAM available to processes.

  • virtual_output – if True (and output_path is directory), save output as virtual raster of multiprocess parts.

  • output_name – string used as general name for all output bands.

  • reference_raster_crs – path to a raster to be used as crs reference; if None, the first band is used as reference.

  • bandset_catalog – optional type BandSetCatalog for BandSet number.


Object OutputManager() with
  • paths = output list


Perform the mosaic of three BandSets
>>> # import Remotior Sensus and start the session
>>> import remotior_sensus
>>> rs = remotior_sensus.Session()
>>> catalog = rs.bandset_catalog()
>>> # create three BandSets
>>> file_list_1 = ['file1_b1.tif', 'file1_b2.tif', 'file1_b3.tif']
>>> file_list_2 = ['file2_b1.tif', 'file2_b2.tif', 'file2_b3.tif']
>>> file_list_3 = ['file3_b1.tif', 'file3_b2.tif', 'file3_b3.tif']
>>> catalog.create_bandset(file_list_1, bandset_number=1)
>>> catalog.create_bandset(file_list_2, bandset_number=2)
>>> catalog.create_bandset(file_list_3, bandset_number=3)
>>> # start the process
>>> mosaic_bands = rs.mosaic(input_bands=[1, 2, 3],
... output_path='output_directory', bandset_catalog=catalog)